Trace Amounts or Moderation of Poison Is Still Poison

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Investigative Wellness – Trace Amounts or Moderation of Poison Is Still Poison

[00:00:00] You said they’re just trace amounts. Let’s look at that. Here I am with an EpiPen in my hand. If somebody is allergic to B venom and they get stung by a bee, how much B venom do you think it takes for them to have an allergic reaction? And you said trace amount mindset that a little bit of something doesn’t necessarily hurt or everything in moderation, but if it’s.

[00:00:18] Poisonous to your body in moderation like the Beasting is still Poison. Game on Sports Fitness and Health fans. For another episode of the Sporting Good Posture podcast. You’re up for Coach Margie’s advice from the sidelines as he helps you crush your game no matter what health or fitness game you play.

[00:00:36] Hey, I’m Coach Margie. I’m sporting good posture. What are you sporting? The coach’s door is always open. Let’s join him now. Hey coach, what do you got for us today? Welcome back Tono. Episode of Sporting Good Posture. This is Coach Marella, and today’s episode is called The Posture of Investigative Wellness.

[00:00:57] Now, it sounds like a strange thing and you may not not really [00:01:00] know what that’s about, but as we go through this episode, I think you’ll really learn a lot and learn more about what is really going into your body and the effects that those things have on body long term. And I have a guest today that really specializes in this kind of investigative wellness.

[00:01:18] Now, before we get into that, here’s a quick message from ChiroThin. Hey, Jeremy. Wow. Really pumping that iron, getting buffed for summer. Hey, Haley, wow, you look amazing. I guess the gym’s working out pretty well for you. Wish it was for me trying to lose some weight, but no matter what I do, I can’t seem to take it off.

[00:01:36] Oh, I’ve been there. I’ve tried tons of diets and routines and just couldn’t take the weight off no matter what I did. It was really depressing. We obviously did something right. What’s your secret? Actually, my chiropractor. Your chiropractor. Really? I was so surprised, but it totally worked. He was doing something called the ChiroThin Program.

[00:01:57] The ChiroThin Program. The [00:02:00] ChiroThin program is designed like no other, supervised by licensed doctors of chiropractic. ChiroThin is. Based on your body’s natural structure, following Mother Nature’s Blueprint, ChiroThin gets to the bottom of all the reasons people have difficulty losing weight and puts you on the road to your ideal body, and that means the ideal you.

[00:02:18] Hey, Jeremy, you’re looking pretty buff. Did you check out the ChiroThin program? You bet, Haley. Thanks for turning me onto it from my girlfriend and mom too. We all had a breakthrough. Can’t believe we finally lost the weight. Well, looks like my loss was your gain. If losing weight is a challenge, get evaluated today for free to see if you are fit for the ChiroThin program at Ideal Health and Wellness Center.

[00:02:41] Don’t just get thin, get ChiroThin. Call 6 1 5 5 6 7 6 6 8 3. She has been an an integrative nutrition and health coach, a wife, a daughter, mom of four, and as she proudly adds a pet mom to many, she has 20 years of practical experience [00:03:00] in the area of holistic wellness. Much of her education was learned through experience attending the school of hard knocks.

[00:03:06] Many of us have come to call our alma mater questioning, applying, learn knowledge, searching for solutions that make sense, not just for herself, but for her individual client. She coaches, my next guest has resolved to dedicate her life to investigative wellness, to foster the personal empowerment everyone deserves.

[00:03:23] And in times like these so desperately needs. You can see why I wanted to have her on the show today. So please welcome to Sporting Good Posture, Jennifer Parisi Silvestro. Jen, welcome today to the show. Proud. Proud to be here. Pleased to be here with you. Thank you for having me on. And also, Jen is a fellow New Yorker, which we always love to have on the show.

[00:03:42] New York in the house. That’s right. Yeah. Awesome. I’m sorry. Yes. So I listened to, uh, Frank Star, our producer here, we, we did recently where he hijacked my podcast and then I did an interview with him after the fact to kind of talk about that. [00:04:00] And he had mentioned that he’s known you for a number of years and he really admires the work that you do.

[00:04:06] And, um, I just wanted to, to figure out what have you been doing the last number of years that really got you into this kind of subject? Hmm, that’s a good question. Um, you know, Frank is too kind, but thank him. And, uh, what got me into the subject really was having children 25 years ago, 26 years ago. Yeah.

[00:04:25] So I had always been interested in, um, personal empowerment, and I was a big advocate of asking questions before I had children. Uh, you know, Trained as an English lit major. I was, I learned to look beyond, and I was an Nancy Drew fan, so I, I always looked for what was beyond the obvious, but having kids really put me on that pathway.

[00:04:46] My children as children do, had all sorts of things going on, illnesses and whatnot, and I started to question the, um, conventional wisdom of having them on many different antibiotics when we didn’t seem to be getting to [00:05:00] the root cause of what the problem was. And that then led me to question all medicine.

[00:05:06] But I felt that I owed it to my children and to myself to investigate anything that was going into their bodies as much as I investigated the car seat into which I put them. So that has been my, you know, my journey as someone in healthcare as well. That’s something I’ve questioned for a number of years, especially, you know, having kids and you just wanna make sure you’re doing the right thing for your kids.

[00:05:27] And, um, like you, I believe that healthcare is a choice and you should be well informed before you do anything. To yourself or anybody in your family as well. Choice is a great word. I love that. I think that we all have the right to bodily autonomy and choice to what is put into us. Um, I think that we need to look at what lies beneath, you know, I think informed consent is, Not necessarily what we think it is.

[00:05:53] So I do ask people to ask the questions and look beyond what they’re being told. You know, I also have a different slant because I [00:06:00] worked as an admin in a research center for a lot of years, and you know, I, because I may poke my nose in everything, I didn’t necessarily just sit at the desk and type. I was in the lab and I was asking questions and I really wanted more information.

[00:06:12] And I started to realize that what we were told. On the level of science can often be industry sponsored science. So that becomes something else you have to navigate. We can’t just take everything at face value. We can’t just look at an ad that’s on TV and say, that’s great, without doing any investigative work, any digging due diligence behind it, you know?

[00:06:32] And I also firmly believe that a doctor patient relationship should be cooperative, that the patient has the final say over the their body. And that our bodies are designed innately to heal when we give them the right conditions. And you know, I make those decisions for myself. And as a parent, I made those decisions for my children because I was their advocate.

[00:06:53] I was their only advocate and their only voice, their only choice. So, you know, I owed it to them as well. And then it [00:07:00] just kind of snowballed into this field where I’m doing. Holistic healthcare coaching and I just, um, started an investigative wellness channel because I want people to investigate for themselves.

[00:07:10] I want them to find out. Yeah, and just like on, on this show here too, I tell people, you know, do your own research. Just because we say something doesn’t mean you have to necessarily agree with it or not, but at least research it. Right, and come to an informed conclusion about why you’re picking something a certain way.

[00:07:26] Absolutely. What you were talking about with antibiotics, that reminds me when I was a kid, I actually took a lot of antibiotics for ear infections, and little did we know that. How much damage that was doing to my body at such a young age. And I see a lot of people that have their kids get ear infections a lot, take antibiotics.

[00:07:45] And one of the things with my kid as a chiropractor, I’ve been able to help them with not really getting as many ear infections that area. And really the only way I found. Is with adjustments. I’ve had a lot of people coming over the years for that, so that just reminded me [00:08:00] about that as well. You’re not gonna get any argument from me.

[00:08:02] My, my primary care practitioner is a chiropractor. That’s who I see for, cause I see a doctor for wellness, not for disease management. That’s right. So, you know, my philosophy is let’s find out what’s causing the problem. Let’s fix what’s causing it rather than suppression of symptoms. So, It’s funny cuz ear infections were the thing that led me into alternative healthcare.

[00:08:23] Into investigating about the, yeah, the, that’s what Go chiropractor for the first time. Yeah, I didn’t get to a chiropractor with my kids until they were, I’m embarrassed to say, until they were like in their, um, late elementary years. But we did everything else. You know, I, I, I gravitated towards homeopathy because that resonated for me.

[00:08:42] It made a lot of sense. So that’s how we treated. But we also built up baseline nutrition to food. I used a lot of food products to boost nutrition, you know, because food is medicine. It’s our first and primary medicine, what we’re putting into our body feeds disease or fights. Disease. I looked at the obvious.

[00:08:59] I looked at [00:09:00] dairy and nuts. Some wheat and those were kind of eye openers for me. And then I started at Elite. Stage to start questioning vaccines. And that to me, when I looked at like their medical records, I looked at shot sickness, shot sickness, shot sickness. And I started thinking, you know, I look at everything like I’m one of those people that asks questions about everything.

[00:09:22] How did I never ask questions about what was being injected into my children’s bodies? I was under the impression that it was just a little bit of the virus and some saline, and I was ac. Actually like blown back when I started reading the actual package inserts, not what were given in the doctor’s office, and I think it’s a twofold problem.

[00:09:42] I think we walk into the doctor’s office and the shots are lined up on a tray and we just say, sure. We never look at the ingredients, whereas any other medicine, I get home, I look at the ingredients, and I make a decision based on what I see. We believe what we’re told. We don’t investigate the ingredients and [00:10:00] we’re put on the spot.

[00:10:01] At the moment and we just do it and it’s what’s always been done. You know, for me, again, it was an eye-opening realization that I dropped the ball in my own due diligence. So, and I’m much the same way with you. I never tell people unless they ask me directly for my opinion, don’t do this or don’t do that, or I.

[00:10:20] Say, this is what my beliefs are, this is what I found. This worked for my family, and please don’t believe what I say. Please investigate what I say. Please research what I say. Because part of what makes us so great is our personal power, our ability to think in reason, and our ability to tap into that amazing, amazing, innate knowledge that we have both in our body and in our minds.

[00:10:44] And to use that, to use that reasoning power. So I love to say, I’m, I’m gonna show you and I’m gonna hand the power back to you. One of the things that you had said on a previous podcast mm-hmm. Was something called Trace amounts and, and the effects it has. Do you [00:11:00] mind explaining that to our listeners too?

[00:11:02] Not at all. So this is, explain it the way you did it, cuz it really made a lot of sense the way you did it. Made a lot of sense. Thank you. So, um, I was in getting an EpiPen for a child, one of my children who has, um, latex allergy. And I was chatting with the pharmacist because everywhere I go, you know, I’m a chatty Cathy.

[00:11:17] I like to talk and I like to connect. And we were just talking. I, you know, I, he asked me standard questions, you want your flu shot today? And I went, you know, I was like, drama, drama queen. Very dramatic about it. And I said, no, have you. The flu shot package insert, and he said, well, no, we’re told that there are just trace amounts in there.

[00:11:36] And I said, Hmm, there are, but I want you to read the package insert again, and then I want you to look at those ingredients individually because basically you’re telling people to do something, you should know what you’re doing. And then the pharmacist started questioning, or I said, yeah, you know, I was wondering about the chickenpox vaccine because my daughter is.

[00:11:53] Whatever age and two, when they recommended the chickenpox vaccine. And I was like, yeah, my kids have had the chickenpox. It’s a normal childhood [00:12:00] virus. Ah, they never got the shot. So we started going back to the conversation about trace amounts and when he said there were just trace amounts in there, I said, good, let’s look at that.

[00:12:09] So if somebody, you know, here I am with an EpiPen in my hand, has um, It’s allergic to B venom and they get stung by a bee. How much B venom do you think it takes for them to have an allergic reaction? And he just walked right into it and he said, trace amounts. And I said, exactly. And there’s a movie by that name, trace Amounts, which really details what we’re talking about.

[00:12:31] So I’m challenging you to watch that. And that’s basically my approach to people. It’s to make them think, to find the one point of commonality. Cuz we don’t wanna butt heads, we bet’s counterproductive. We want to have a dialogue back and forth. And I find what opens up a dialogue to get people to think for themselves.

[00:12:49] So I could see it in his eyes. He was like, woo. Saucer eyes. That resonated with him. I’ve heard of that actually. And I’m gonna watch that too cuz I have heard about that, uh, trace amounts. Yeah. But I never got a [00:13:00] chance to see it. It just goes into question, really look at the statistics of everything in this world right now, especially just look at America, for instance, and how mm-hmm.

[00:13:11] Our infant mortality rate is higher than most third world countries. You know, our cancer, diabetes, heart disease, all these things that we see on there where other countries are much better off than us. Ours is through the roof and our life expectancy is actually slightly going down instead of going up, even with all the medical interventions and things that we have, why would it be going down if we are that much ahead on the health scale?

[00:13:36] The answer is that we’re not because we’ve forgotten the basics of health. We’ve forgotten that health comes with from within. You can’t take enough pills to remove a misalignment of a bone in your neck. It doesn’t ever move that neck back into position like it was before. Same thing with your back or your knee.

[00:13:55] I think people are forgetting the basic foundation, and that’s what me and Frank had talked [00:14:00] about recently is just removing interference from top to bottom. And as a chiropractor, that’s what I do is remove interference. And it’s also now I’m incorporating more with nutrition. And what goes into your body, because that does play a factor in how much I can actually help a patient.

[00:14:17] And I feel like when I don’t start the conversation with those kind of things, I’m not fully getting them to their wellness goals without, without really interjecting that. Yeah, it’s a big responsibility. So what people also mistake is they think that they’re going to a doctor and the doctor’s going to heal them.

[00:14:35] Listen, I am, I’m not an md. I’m not here to say, don’t go to your doctor. I’m not here to say, don’t take your meds. I’m here to say question. And you as a chiropractor are concerned with an eight health. The innate, um, knowledge that the body has, and you’re acting as a facilitator, so you are helping to remove interferences, like you said, from the body that allows the body’s innate ability to heal itself, to function.

[00:14:59] We [00:15:00] can’t function with impingement on us. I love that you’re taking up the mantle of a further responsibility because we do have a responsibility to each other to help each other out. So yeah, you’re, you’re derelict. I would be derelict if I didn’t share the information I had for a long time. I didn’t, um, talk about inflammation in the body and I didn’t talk about healing the body naturally, and I realized I was squelching my own voice.

[00:15:24] And in doing that, I was doing a disservice to other people that I could help from the knowledge that I found. You know, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes, which is why your approach, my approach, and the approach of many others who are challenging people to look, it’s so important to really investigate.

[00:15:40] Recently, I, I have patients coming in and I’m, I’m doing a new weight loss program at the office called Chiro Thin. I’m very impressed so far, and I already have three or four patients that have been on medications for many, many years. That are already showing signs that their body is working more independently from these medications where there’s a [00:16:00] possibility they may get off of these medications in the next month or two.

[00:16:03] Yeah, and one guy in particular, he is on blood pressure medications, cholesterol medications, and diabetes medications. I asked him about how long he’s been on those medications, and he had been on those 6, 7, 8 years already, and he originally went on to diabetes medications because his blood sugar was having some issues, but, Right at the same time, they added a blood pressure medication and a cholesterol medication that he didn’t even need at the time.

[00:16:31] They just said, oh, we usually add these in with this diabetes medication, so let’s just do that. And he’s been taking those ever since and he’s like, I don’t even know why I’m taking these, cuz I didn’t test positive with high cholesterol. I haven’t had any blood pressure issues, so I’m just not sure why I’m even taking this while they go to the doctor.

[00:16:50] I meet with him and he takes blood work. And then he refills my prescriptions and then I see him again in six months. And I said, well, is there [00:17:00] ever any discussion on ways to get off these medications? How to improve your blood sugar, how to lose weight, how to get healthy, how to exercise, any of those.

[00:17:08] He’s like, no, they just no refill the prescriptions. There’s never an end in sight. There’s never, it’s a marathon that just never ends. It’s, it’s, yeah, there’s no end in sight where you can be, okay, we’re gonna do this for two years. We’re gonna do this for three years. We’re gonna do this for six months.

[00:17:24] Medications. There’s a time and place for ’em, but it shouldn’t be a life sentence. So I work at a weight loss facility. We do a holistic weight loss program. It’s very similar to what you’re talking about, ChiroThin. I see the same thing. You know, I, we can’t make health claims obviously, but what I see time and time again, this is my personal experience.

[00:17:43] I see people I. Coming off blood pressure medication, I see people coming off diabetes, diabetes medication, which they’ve been told by the doctors is a lifetime commitment to those meds. So we’re looking at cradle to grave healthcare versus, you know, what we’re doing is what we talk about here and what I talk about.[00:18:00] 

[00:18:00] On my day job and my night job is to get people healthy from within. So from a personal experience, I, after my third child, I had a, a latent life baby, my third one, and I gained a lot of weight. I was 60 pounds overweight, could not lose it, and I had eczema, psoriasis. And fibromyalgia, typical autoimmune issues.

[00:18:18] And no doctor had anything for me other than going on Wellbutrin to control my sleep and help ease the pain and maybe steroid injections. And I wasn’t having that. So I found this weight loss program lost 60 pounds, no more X eczema, amount of more psoriasis, no more fibromyalgia. And I was walking to the cane and I’m not anymore.

[00:18:37] So, you know, it’s, that’s amazing. It is amazing. So body inflammation, what we put into our body creates inflammation, creates an impingement on the body’s ability to function, that as a side effect, we end up with these diseases or impact on the body that creates conditions that can be brought on by inflammation and healed by removal of inflammation.

[00:18:56] Um, I was having a. A conversation with a client. [00:19:00] They were put on a generic protein pump inhibitor for some acid reflux they were having, right? Yeah. And nobody decided to control or address the acid reflux. They put him on this med. And I looked at, and I said, let’s do a diet plan that will take the inflammation, the inflammatory foods out of your diet.

[00:19:18] And then, you know, he was saying, well, I have stomach issues and I’m, I have no B12 supplies. So I said, well, let’s pull up the data on this protein. Pump inhibitor number one, they’re all under lawsuits or those meds cause cancer. They’re in the middle of the legal process right now. So you know, that’s one issue.

[00:19:35] The other issue is very clearly first thing, boom, boom, boom, article after article. Medical journal articles on protein pump inhibitors completely depleting the body of b12. So they put him on a B12 shot to come. Ate for the fact that the protein pump inhibitor was depleting his body of b12. Well, now let’s, now let’s, this is a snowball effect.

[00:19:57] Now let’s look at the ingredients in the B12 [00:20:00] shot. So it’s in synthetic b12. It’s not something that the body can utilize or readily uptake. And let’s look at the list of. Ingredients in there, which include an aluminum adjuvant and which include preservatives like th Marisol and what, what are we doing here?

[00:20:17] So it’s not, it’s fixing one problem by creating more and let’s address what the underlying issue is. Let’s change from my perspective. You know, I grew Italian food is like everything. Yeah. And I looked at it in a different, yeah. See, hey, another thing that’s right. The New Yorker and the Italian. Awesome.

[00:20:35] Um, pump it. Yeah. So, you know, I. Was fascinated by food at a young age. And I started looking at, you know, I eat this and I feel good and I don’t eat this and I don’t. So that was my application. That was my, you know, my thing. So we, we did a, a diet plan for him, and one of the questions he asked was, I took grains out of his diet, inflammatory grains.

[00:20:55] And he’s like, but I have oatmeal every day. Yes. But for you, that’s. That’s poison for [00:21:00] your body. That’s poison. But I put bananas and blueberries in it. That’s awesome. But putting bananas and blueberries into poison doesn’t negate the fact that it might be still poisonous for your body. So, you know, we have this, this whole.

[00:21:14] Mindset that a little bit of something doesn’t necessarily hurt or, you know, someone had said earlier, um, your producer said earlier, everything in moderation, but if it’s poisonous to your body in moderation, like the bee sting story is still poison. You know, don’t, just slowly over time, yes. Yeah, I joke with my clients cuz I’m kind of, you know, New York and I’ll say to them, I, I’ll just give you the gun.

[00:21:39] What are you doing? I’ll just give you the gun and let you pull the trigger. Now stop the poisoning. So, but you know, it’s, and yeah, and you have to make light of it. You have to come at people in a way that doesn’t alienate them either. So, yes. You know, it’s funny what you find and I’m still learning as I go and I’ve got, like you said, 20 plus years of hard knocks [00:22:00] learning and I’m still learning.

[00:22:02] Every day is an, is an experience. Yeah. Yeah. And here you are a doctor. The 14th year and I’m still learning and, and I’d say really the last five years or so, mm-hmm. I’ve really gotten even more into this stuff than I did in my first 10. Wow. That’s crazy. It’s awesome. Yeah, and it’s so good and I’m, I’m like really, really honored to be on here talking about this with you because I think more people need to have this open dialogue about, you know, just especially sharing with people that they have so much power.

[00:22:30] I always. Look at that, that saying from Glenda, the good witch, and I actually posted it a couple of times, like, you’ve always had the power, my dear. You just had to find it for yourself. Yeah, well, you know, we’re here telling people you have it, you’ve got the power. Use it. Power to fix yourself is amazing.

[00:22:46] So, so this has all been some really great information today. What would you like listeners to take away about what we talked about with the investigative wellness? Like what? What’s the main things that you want them to learn [00:23:00] about from today’s episode? I think that people need to understand that the power and the um, decision making ability shouldn’t be on a force outside of yourself.

[00:23:10] You can always bounce it off with another, uh, quote unquote authority figure. But you are the authority on your own body. You are the authority of your children’s body. And I don’t really love the word authority cuz it speaks to, or leans towards a. Authoritarianism, but I think you know the powerful force guiding your own wellness.

[00:23:28] I think you need to look at what, like we spoke about, the sources of what you’re putting into your body because there are synthetic supplements that are not great for your body, and then there are whole food-based supplements that are more bioavailable. So know what you’re putting into your body. Look beyond what’s being spoonfed to you, um, out there.

[00:23:47] And I think, um, knowing where the money comes from, knowing who’s funding the studies is always a big one for me. I, that’s the first thing I say when someone drops third party independent studies. Correct. Exactly. Yeah. [00:24:00] I say who’s, you know, follow the money trail, who’s funding that? Look beyond it. And, and there’s another one that we don’t really listen to or we don’t pay attention to.

[00:24:09] Listen to your body. Mm-hmm. Your body will tell you everything you need to know about it. If you just take the time to still down your energy and listen to what your body’s saying. We have that. So know your body. Know your sources, investigate and control your own power. That’s basically my takeaway.

[00:24:29] That’s exactly what I talk about with my patients. I always tell ’em, you know your body better than I do and ever will, you know, I’m just here going by what you’re telling me and my experience in, in, you know, in medicine and chiropractic. But it’s ultimately, you know your body best. So it really is a two-way street with your doctor.

[00:24:46] It can’t just be walk in and doctor goes, you’re doing this, this, this, and this, and I’ll see you in six months, and then we’re going to continue to do that. For the rest of the time it’s gotta be a two-way street. You know, patients that come in, I’m talking to ’em more about these things because [00:25:00] to really get to true wellness, we have to know the whole picture.

[00:25:04] We have to know all the factors that are, are preventing you from getting that ideal health and that ideal wellness that you’re looking for. So that’s exactly what I talk about on those first days where someone comes in, they may even come in for weight loss. But I ask ’em about their, their history because I need to know what else is going on so that I can get you more permanent weight loss if that’s your goal, right?

[00:25:25] Instead of this up and down, and yet you’ve probably seen it where they lose for a month or two and it goes and it goes up and down and up and down. And nothing’s more frustrating than doing that kind of work and then just seeing a comeback or come back even worse than it was For me, it’s failed purpose.

[00:25:41] If I’ve failed to educate somebody on what is true health, underlying health, you know, people come to us for weight loss, but it’s really health restoration. That is really the mission to educate people so that they take that away and they learn how to control, you know, whatever their, their body issues are.

[00:25:59] I’ll continue in a [00:26:00] minute after this message. Weight loss. It’s challenging enough to lose inches and seems like so much work to get the body you want, but why does it have to take so long to see results? Well, now it doesn’t have to. Introducing the Lipo Laser Instant Fat Loss System at Ideal Health and Wellness Center.

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[00:26:38] Lipo laser fat loss from ideal health and wellness is the way to get the visible results you deserve. Faster while pursuing your long-term permanent weight loss goals. And that means everything to getting the results you deserve. Call today for a free screening to see if you are a candidate for Lipo Laser and find out just how fast you can see the results you want.

[00:26:57] Call 6 1 5 5 6 7 6 [00:27:00] 6 8 3 now. I really appreciate you being on the show today. And uh, what I wanted to ask you too is how can people get in touch with you? You know, where can they find you on something like Rumble? You mentioned, do you have a Facebook or Instagram page and things like that? Um, it’s Rumble, j e n n x

[00:27:20] So Jen with two ends, rumble dot GenX Mm-hmm. We’ll be able to post these links and everything mm-hmm. On the, uh, the Sporting Posture episode page. I really appreciate you being on the show. I really got a lot out of this today, and I know that the listeners have too. This is awesome. These are things that we need to have dialogue about, and ultimately, health is your choice.

[00:27:42] Just like I tell my patients, health does come from the inside out, doesn’t come from the outside in. And you have to really make it right on the inside for you to have true health, and your body needs to be in alignment so that all your systems can work in sync like they’re supposed to. And it’s really important.

[00:27:59] That’s why as [00:28:00] a chiropractor, I, I want less interference in the body. So your nerves and your organs and your functions are all integrated properly and you’re living your best life and in your ideal health. So great episode again today. I, I love talking to Jennifer and, and taking her input on, on how she’s approached health over the last 20 years.

[00:28:20] I really want to do more into this investigative wellness and just really pick apart what true health is this year in 2021. Remember, the coach’s door is always open. DM me on Instagram at sporting good posture. Contact me on Facebook at Ideal Health and Wellness Center, or call the office at (615) 567-6683.

[00:28:42] Tell me what’s going on and I’ll tell you what I think. This is Coach Margie. I’m sporting good posture. How about you? The Sporting Good Posture Podcast is a broadcast wellness production powered by Ideal Health Wellness Center, all content copyright 2020, all rights reserved. Executive [00:29:00] producer Frank Ardella.

[00:29:01] Dr. Marcella appears courtesy of Ideal Health Wellness Center in Franklin. For more information, visit sporting good and follow Coach on Instagram at Sporting Good Posture

Investigative Wellness – Trace Amounts or Moderation of Poison Is Still Poison

[00:00:00] You said they’re just trace amounts. Let’s look at that. Here I am with an EpiPen in my hand. If somebody is allergic to B venom and they get stung by a bee, how much B venom do you think it takes for them to have an allergic reaction? And you said trace amount mindset that a little bit of something doesn’t necessarily hurt or everything in moderation, but if it’s.

[00:00:18] Poisonous to your body in moderation like the Beasting is still Poison. Game on Sports Fitness and Health fans. For another episode of the Sporting Good Posture podcast. You’re up for Coach Margie’s advice from the sidelines as he helps you crush your game no matter what health or fitness game you play.

[00:00:36] Hey, I’m Coach Margie. I’m sporting good posture. What are you sporting? The coach’s door is always open. Let’s join him now. Hey coach, what do you got for us today? Welcome back Tono. Episode of Sporting Good Posture. This is Coach Marella, and today’s episode is called The Posture of Investigative Wellness.

[00:00:57] Now, it sounds like a strange thing and you may not not really [00:01:00] know what that’s about, but as we go through this episode, I think you’ll really learn a lot and learn more about what is really going into your body and the effects that those things have on body long term. And I have a guest today that really specializes in this kind of investigative wellness.

[00:01:18] Now, before we get into that, here’s a quick message from ChiroThin. Hey, Jeremy. Wow. Really pumping that iron, getting buffed for summer. Hey, Haley, wow, you look amazing. I guess the gym’s working out pretty well for you. Wish it was for me trying to lose some weight, but no matter what I do, I can’t seem to take it off.

[00:01:36] Oh, I’ve been there. I’ve tried tons of diets and routines and just couldn’t take the weight off no matter what I did. It was really depressing. We obviously did something right. What’s your secret? Actually, my chiropractor. Your chiropractor. Really? I was so surprised, but it totally worked. He was doing something called the ChiroThin Program.

[00:01:57] The ChiroThin Program. The [00:02:00] ChiroThin program is designed like no other, supervised by licensed doctors of chiropractic. ChiroThin is. Based on your body’s natural structure, following Mother Nature’s Blueprint, ChiroThin gets to the bottom of all the reasons people have difficulty losing weight and puts you on the road to your ideal body, and that means the ideal you.

[00:02:18] Hey, Jeremy, you’re looking pretty buff. Did you check out the ChiroThin program? You bet, Haley. Thanks for turning me onto it from my girlfriend and mom too. We all had a breakthrough. Can’t believe we finally lost the weight. Well, looks like my loss was your gain. If losing weight is a challenge, get evaluated today for free to see if you are fit for the ChiroThin program at Ideal Health and Wellness Center.

[00:02:41] Don’t just get thin, get ChiroThin. Call 6 1 5 5 6 7 6 6 8 3. She has been an an integrative nutrition and health coach, a wife, a daughter, mom of four, and as she proudly adds a pet mom to many, she has 20 years of practical experience [00:03:00] in the area of holistic wellness. Much of her education was learned through experience attending the school of hard knocks.

[00:03:06] Many of us have come to call our alma mater questioning, applying, learn knowledge, searching for solutions that make sense, not just for herself, but for her individual client. She coaches, my next guest has resolved to dedicate her life to investigative wellness, to foster the personal empowerment everyone deserves.

[00:03:23] And in times like these so desperately needs. You can see why I wanted to have her on the show today. So please welcome to Sporting Good Posture, Jennifer Parisi Silvestro. Jen, welcome today to the show. Proud. Proud to be here. Pleased to be here with you. Thank you for having me on. And also, Jen is a fellow New Yorker, which we always love to have on the show.

[00:03:42] New York in the house. That’s right. Yeah. Awesome. I’m sorry. Yes. So I listened to, uh, Frank Star, our producer here, we, we did recently where he hijacked my podcast and then I did an interview with him after the fact to kind of talk about that. [00:04:00] And he had mentioned that he’s known you for a number of years and he really admires the work that you do.

[00:04:06] And, um, I just wanted to, to figure out what have you been doing the last number of years that really got you into this kind of subject? Hmm, that’s a good question. Um, you know, Frank is too kind, but thank him. And, uh, what got me into the subject really was having children 25 years ago, 26 years ago. Yeah.

[00:04:25] So I had always been interested in, um, personal empowerment, and I was a big advocate of asking questions before I had children. Uh, you know, Trained as an English lit major. I was, I learned to look beyond, and I was an Nancy Drew fan, so I, I always looked for what was beyond the obvious, but having kids really put me on that pathway.

[00:04:46] My children as children do, had all sorts of things going on, illnesses and whatnot, and I started to question the, um, conventional wisdom of having them on many different antibiotics when we didn’t seem to be getting to [00:05:00] the root cause of what the problem was. And that then led me to question all medicine.

[00:05:06] But I felt that I owed it to my children and to myself to investigate anything that was going into their bodies as much as I investigated the car seat into which I put them. So that has been my, you know, my journey as someone in healthcare as well. That’s something I’ve questioned for a number of years, especially, you know, having kids and you just wanna make sure you’re doing the right thing for your kids.

[00:05:27] And, um, like you, I believe that healthcare is a choice and you should be well informed before you do anything. To yourself or anybody in your family as well. Choice is a great word. I love that. I think that we all have the right to bodily autonomy and choice to what is put into us. Um, I think that we need to look at what lies beneath, you know, I think informed consent is, Not necessarily what we think it is.

[00:05:53] So I do ask people to ask the questions and look beyond what they’re being told. You know, I also have a different slant because I [00:06:00] worked as an admin in a research center for a lot of years, and you know, I, because I may poke my nose in everything, I didn’t necessarily just sit at the desk and type. I was in the lab and I was asking questions and I really wanted more information.

[00:06:12] And I started to realize that what we were told. On the level of science can often be industry sponsored science. So that becomes something else you have to navigate. We can’t just take everything at face value. We can’t just look at an ad that’s on TV and say, that’s great, without doing any investigative work, any digging due diligence behind it, you know?

[00:06:32] And I also firmly believe that a doctor patient relationship should be cooperative, that the patient has the final say over the their body. And that our bodies are designed innately to heal when we give them the right conditions. And you know, I make those decisions for myself. And as a parent, I made those decisions for my children because I was their advocate.

[00:06:53] I was their only advocate and their only voice, their only choice. So, you know, I owed it to them as well. And then it [00:07:00] just kind of snowballed into this field where I’m doing. Holistic healthcare coaching and I just, um, started an investigative wellness channel because I want people to investigate for themselves.

[00:07:10] I want them to find out. Yeah, and just like on, on this show here too, I tell people, you know, do your own research. Just because we say something doesn’t mean you have to necessarily agree with it or not, but at least research it. Right, and come to an informed conclusion about why you’re picking something a certain way.

[00:07:26] Absolutely. What you were talking about with antibiotics, that reminds me when I was a kid, I actually took a lot of antibiotics for ear infections, and little did we know that. How much damage that was doing to my body at such a young age. And I see a lot of people that have their kids get ear infections a lot, take antibiotics.

[00:07:45] And one of the things with my kid as a chiropractor, I’ve been able to help them with not really getting as many ear infections that area. And really the only way I found. Is with adjustments. I’ve had a lot of people coming over the years for that, so that just reminded me [00:08:00] about that as well. You’re not gonna get any argument from me.

[00:08:02] My, my primary care practitioner is a chiropractor. That’s who I see for, cause I see a doctor for wellness, not for disease management. That’s right. So, you know, my philosophy is let’s find out what’s causing the problem. Let’s fix what’s causing it rather than suppression of symptoms. So, It’s funny cuz ear infections were the thing that led me into alternative healthcare.

[00:08:23] Into investigating about the, yeah, the, that’s what Go chiropractor for the first time. Yeah, I didn’t get to a chiropractor with my kids until they were, I’m embarrassed to say, until they were like in their, um, late elementary years. But we did everything else. You know, I, I, I gravitated towards homeopathy because that resonated for me.

[00:08:42] It made a lot of sense. So that’s how we treated. But we also built up baseline nutrition to food. I used a lot of food products to boost nutrition, you know, because food is medicine. It’s our first and primary medicine, what we’re putting into our body feeds disease or fights. Disease. I looked at the obvious.

[00:08:59] I looked at [00:09:00] dairy and nuts. Some wheat and those were kind of eye openers for me. And then I started at Elite. Stage to start questioning vaccines. And that to me, when I looked at like their medical records, I looked at shot sickness, shot sickness, shot sickness. And I started thinking, you know, I look at everything like I’m one of those people that asks questions about everything.

[00:09:22] How did I never ask questions about what was being injected into my children’s bodies? I was under the impression that it was just a little bit of the virus and some saline, and I was ac. Actually like blown back when I started reading the actual package inserts, not what were given in the doctor’s office, and I think it’s a twofold problem.

[00:09:42] I think we walk into the doctor’s office and the shots are lined up on a tray and we just say, sure. We never look at the ingredients, whereas any other medicine, I get home, I look at the ingredients, and I make a decision based on what I see. We believe what we’re told. We don’t investigate the ingredients and [00:10:00] we’re put on the spot.

[00:10:01] At the moment and we just do it and it’s what’s always been done. You know, for me, again, it was an eye-opening realization that I dropped the ball in my own due diligence. So, and I’m much the same way with you. I never tell people unless they ask me directly for my opinion, don’t do this or don’t do that, or I.

[00:10:20] Say, this is what my beliefs are, this is what I found. This worked for my family, and please don’t believe what I say. Please investigate what I say. Please research what I say. Because part of what makes us so great is our personal power, our ability to think in reason, and our ability to tap into that amazing, amazing, innate knowledge that we have both in our body and in our minds.

[00:10:44] And to use that, to use that reasoning power. So I love to say, I’m, I’m gonna show you and I’m gonna hand the power back to you. One of the things that you had said on a previous podcast mm-hmm. Was something called Trace amounts and, and the effects it has. Do you [00:11:00] mind explaining that to our listeners too?

[00:11:02] Not at all. So this is, explain it the way you did it, cuz it really made a lot of sense the way you did it. Made a lot of sense. Thank you. So, um, I was in getting an EpiPen for a child, one of my children who has, um, latex allergy. And I was chatting with the pharmacist because everywhere I go, you know, I’m a chatty Cathy.

[00:11:17] I like to talk and I like to connect. And we were just talking. I, you know, I, he asked me standard questions, you want your flu shot today? And I went, you know, I was like, drama, drama queen. Very dramatic about it. And I said, no, have you. The flu shot package insert, and he said, well, no, we’re told that there are just trace amounts in there.

[00:11:36] And I said, Hmm, there are, but I want you to read the package insert again, and then I want you to look at those ingredients individually because basically you’re telling people to do something, you should know what you’re doing. And then the pharmacist started questioning, or I said, yeah, you know, I was wondering about the chickenpox vaccine because my daughter is.

[00:11:53] Whatever age and two, when they recommended the chickenpox vaccine. And I was like, yeah, my kids have had the chickenpox. It’s a normal childhood [00:12:00] virus. Ah, they never got the shot. So we started going back to the conversation about trace amounts and when he said there were just trace amounts in there, I said, good, let’s look at that.

[00:12:09] So if somebody, you know, here I am with an EpiPen in my hand, has um, It’s allergic to B venom and they get stung by a bee. How much B venom do you think it takes for them to have an allergic reaction? And he just walked right into it and he said, trace amounts. And I said, exactly. And there’s a movie by that name, trace Amounts, which really details what we’re talking about.

[00:12:31] So I’m challenging you to watch that. And that’s basically my approach to people. It’s to make them think, to find the one point of commonality. Cuz we don’t wanna butt heads, we bet’s counterproductive. We want to have a dialogue back and forth. And I find what opens up a dialogue to get people to think for themselves.

[00:12:49] So I could see it in his eyes. He was like, woo. Saucer eyes. That resonated with him. I’ve heard of that actually. And I’m gonna watch that too cuz I have heard about that, uh, trace amounts. Yeah. But I never got a [00:13:00] chance to see it. It just goes into question, really look at the statistics of everything in this world right now, especially just look at America, for instance, and how mm-hmm.

[00:13:11] Our infant mortality rate is higher than most third world countries. You know, our cancer, diabetes, heart disease, all these things that we see on there where other countries are much better off than us. Ours is through the roof and our life expectancy is actually slightly going down instead of going up, even with all the medical interventions and things that we have, why would it be going down if we are that much ahead on the health scale?

[00:13:36] The answer is that we’re not because we’ve forgotten the basics of health. We’ve forgotten that health comes with from within. You can’t take enough pills to remove a misalignment of a bone in your neck. It doesn’t ever move that neck back into position like it was before. Same thing with your back or your knee.

[00:13:55] I think people are forgetting the basic foundation, and that’s what me and Frank had talked [00:14:00] about recently is just removing interference from top to bottom. And as a chiropractor, that’s what I do is remove interference. And it’s also now I’m incorporating more with nutrition. And what goes into your body, because that does play a factor in how much I can actually help a patient.

[00:14:17] And I feel like when I don’t start the conversation with those kind of things, I’m not fully getting them to their wellness goals without, without really interjecting that. Yeah, it’s a big responsibility. So what people also mistake is they think that they’re going to a doctor and the doctor’s going to heal them.

[00:14:35] Listen, I am, I’m not an md. I’m not here to say, don’t go to your doctor. I’m not here to say, don’t take your meds. I’m here to say question. And you as a chiropractor are concerned with an eight health. The innate, um, knowledge that the body has, and you’re acting as a facilitator, so you are helping to remove interferences, like you said, from the body that allows the body’s innate ability to heal itself, to function.

[00:14:59] We [00:15:00] can’t function with impingement on us. I love that you’re taking up the mantle of a further responsibility because we do have a responsibility to each other to help each other out. So yeah, you’re, you’re derelict. I would be derelict if I didn’t share the information I had for a long time. I didn’t, um, talk about inflammation in the body and I didn’t talk about healing the body naturally, and I realized I was squelching my own voice.

[00:15:24] And in doing that, I was doing a disservice to other people that I could help from the knowledge that I found. You know, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes, which is why your approach, my approach, and the approach of many others who are challenging people to look, it’s so important to really investigate.

[00:15:40] Recently, I, I have patients coming in and I’m, I’m doing a new weight loss program at the office called Chiro Thin. I’m very impressed so far, and I already have three or four patients that have been on medications for many, many years. That are already showing signs that their body is working more independently from these medications where there’s a [00:16:00] possibility they may get off of these medications in the next month or two.

[00:16:03] Yeah, and one guy in particular, he is on blood pressure medications, cholesterol medications, and diabetes medications. I asked him about how long he’s been on those medications, and he had been on those 6, 7, 8 years already, and he originally went on to diabetes medications because his blood sugar was having some issues, but, Right at the same time, they added a blood pressure medication and a cholesterol medication that he didn’t even need at the time.

[00:16:31] They just said, oh, we usually add these in with this diabetes medication, so let’s just do that. And he’s been taking those ever since and he’s like, I don’t even know why I’m taking these, cuz I didn’t test positive with high cholesterol. I haven’t had any blood pressure issues, so I’m just not sure why I’m even taking this while they go to the doctor.

[00:16:50] I meet with him and he takes blood work. And then he refills my prescriptions and then I see him again in six months. And I said, well, is there [00:17:00] ever any discussion on ways to get off these medications? How to improve your blood sugar, how to lose weight, how to get healthy, how to exercise, any of those.

[00:17:08] He’s like, no, they just no refill the prescriptions. There’s never an end in sight. There’s never, it’s a marathon that just never ends. It’s, it’s, yeah, there’s no end in sight where you can be, okay, we’re gonna do this for two years. We’re gonna do this for three years. We’re gonna do this for six months.

[00:17:24] Medications. There’s a time and place for ’em, but it shouldn’t be a life sentence. So I work at a weight loss facility. We do a holistic weight loss program. It’s very similar to what you’re talking about, ChiroThin. I see the same thing. You know, I, we can’t make health claims obviously, but what I see time and time again, this is my personal experience.

[00:17:43] I see people I. Coming off blood pressure medication, I see people coming off diabetes, diabetes medication, which they’ve been told by the doctors is a lifetime commitment to those meds. So we’re looking at cradle to grave healthcare versus, you know, what we’re doing is what we talk about here and what I talk about.[00:18:00] 

[00:18:00] On my day job and my night job is to get people healthy from within. So from a personal experience, I, after my third child, I had a, a latent life baby, my third one, and I gained a lot of weight. I was 60 pounds overweight, could not lose it, and I had eczema, psoriasis. And fibromyalgia, typical autoimmune issues.

[00:18:18] And no doctor had anything for me other than going on Wellbutrin to control my sleep and help ease the pain and maybe steroid injections. And I wasn’t having that. So I found this weight loss program lost 60 pounds, no more X eczema, amount of more psoriasis, no more fibromyalgia. And I was walking to the cane and I’m not anymore.

[00:18:37] So, you know, it’s, that’s amazing. It is amazing. So body inflammation, what we put into our body creates inflammation, creates an impingement on the body’s ability to function, that as a side effect, we end up with these diseases or impact on the body that creates conditions that can be brought on by inflammation and healed by removal of inflammation.

[00:18:56] Um, I was having a. A conversation with a client. [00:19:00] They were put on a generic protein pump inhibitor for some acid reflux they were having, right? Yeah. And nobody decided to control or address the acid reflux. They put him on this med. And I looked at, and I said, let’s do a diet plan that will take the inflammation, the inflammatory foods out of your diet.

[00:19:18] And then, you know, he was saying, well, I have stomach issues and I’m, I have no B12 supplies. So I said, well, let’s pull up the data on this protein. Pump inhibitor number one, they’re all under lawsuits or those meds cause cancer. They’re in the middle of the legal process right now. So you know, that’s one issue.

[00:19:35] The other issue is very clearly first thing, boom, boom, boom, article after article. Medical journal articles on protein pump inhibitors completely depleting the body of b12. So they put him on a B12 shot to come. Ate for the fact that the protein pump inhibitor was depleting his body of b12. Well, now let’s, now let’s, this is a snowball effect.

[00:19:57] Now let’s look at the ingredients in the B12 [00:20:00] shot. So it’s in synthetic b12. It’s not something that the body can utilize or readily uptake. And let’s look at the list of. Ingredients in there, which include an aluminum adjuvant and which include preservatives like th Marisol and what, what are we doing here?

[00:20:17] So it’s not, it’s fixing one problem by creating more and let’s address what the underlying issue is. Let’s change from my perspective. You know, I grew Italian food is like everything. Yeah. And I looked at it in a different, yeah. See, hey, another thing that’s right. The New Yorker and the Italian. Awesome.

[00:20:35] Um, pump it. Yeah. So, you know, I. Was fascinated by food at a young age. And I started looking at, you know, I eat this and I feel good and I don’t eat this and I don’t. So that was my application. That was my, you know, my thing. So we, we did a, a diet plan for him, and one of the questions he asked was, I took grains out of his diet, inflammatory grains.

[00:20:55] And he’s like, but I have oatmeal every day. Yes. But for you, that’s. That’s poison for [00:21:00] your body. That’s poison. But I put bananas and blueberries in it. That’s awesome. But putting bananas and blueberries into poison doesn’t negate the fact that it might be still poisonous for your body. So, you know, we have this, this whole.

[00:21:14] Mindset that a little bit of something doesn’t necessarily hurt or, you know, someone had said earlier, um, your producer said earlier, everything in moderation, but if it’s poisonous to your body in moderation, like the bee sting story is still poison. You know, don’t, just slowly over time, yes. Yeah, I joke with my clients cuz I’m kind of, you know, New York and I’ll say to them, I, I’ll just give you the gun.

[00:21:39] What are you doing? I’ll just give you the gun and let you pull the trigger. Now stop the poisoning. So, but you know, it’s, and yeah, and you have to make light of it. You have to come at people in a way that doesn’t alienate them either. So, yes. You know, it’s funny what you find and I’m still learning as I go and I’ve got, like you said, 20 plus years of hard knocks [00:22:00] learning and I’m still learning.

[00:22:02] Every day is an, is an experience. Yeah. Yeah. And here you are a doctor. The 14th year and I’m still learning and, and I’d say really the last five years or so, mm-hmm. I’ve really gotten even more into this stuff than I did in my first 10. Wow. That’s crazy. It’s awesome. Yeah, and it’s so good and I’m, I’m like really, really honored to be on here talking about this with you because I think more people need to have this open dialogue about, you know, just especially sharing with people that they have so much power.

[00:22:30] I always. Look at that, that saying from Glenda, the good witch, and I actually posted it a couple of times, like, you’ve always had the power, my dear. You just had to find it for yourself. Yeah, well, you know, we’re here telling people you have it, you’ve got the power. Use it. Power to fix yourself is amazing.

[00:22:46] So, so this has all been some really great information today. What would you like listeners to take away about what we talked about with the investigative wellness? Like what? What’s the main things that you want them to learn [00:23:00] about from today’s episode? I think that people need to understand that the power and the um, decision making ability shouldn’t be on a force outside of yourself.

[00:23:10] You can always bounce it off with another, uh, quote unquote authority figure. But you are the authority on your own body. You are the authority of your children’s body. And I don’t really love the word authority cuz it speaks to, or leans towards a. Authoritarianism, but I think you know the powerful force guiding your own wellness.

[00:23:28] I think you need to look at what, like we spoke about, the sources of what you’re putting into your body because there are synthetic supplements that are not great for your body, and then there are whole food-based supplements that are more bioavailable. So know what you’re putting into your body. Look beyond what’s being spoonfed to you, um, out there.

[00:23:47] And I think, um, knowing where the money comes from, knowing who’s funding the studies is always a big one for me. I, that’s the first thing I say when someone drops third party independent studies. Correct. Exactly. Yeah. [00:24:00] I say who’s, you know, follow the money trail, who’s funding that? Look beyond it. And, and there’s another one that we don’t really listen to or we don’t pay attention to.

[00:24:09] Listen to your body. Mm-hmm. Your body will tell you everything you need to know about it. If you just take the time to still down your energy and listen to what your body’s saying. We have that. So know your body. Know your sources, investigate and control your own power. That’s basically my takeaway.

[00:24:29] That’s exactly what I talk about with my patients. I always tell ’em, you know your body better than I do and ever will, you know, I’m just here going by what you’re telling me and my experience in, in, you know, in medicine and chiropractic. But it’s ultimately, you know your body best. So it really is a two-way street with your doctor.

[00:24:46] It can’t just be walk in and doctor goes, you’re doing this, this, this, and this, and I’ll see you in six months, and then we’re going to continue to do that. For the rest of the time it’s gotta be a two-way street. You know, patients that come in, I’m talking to ’em more about these things because [00:25:00] to really get to true wellness, we have to know the whole picture.

[00:25:04] We have to know all the factors that are, are preventing you from getting that ideal health and that ideal wellness that you’re looking for. So that’s exactly what I talk about on those first days where someone comes in, they may even come in for weight loss. But I ask ’em about their, their history because I need to know what else is going on so that I can get you more permanent weight loss if that’s your goal, right?

[00:25:25] Instead of this up and down, and yet you’ve probably seen it where they lose for a month or two and it goes and it goes up and down and up and down. And nothing’s more frustrating than doing that kind of work and then just seeing a comeback or come back even worse than it was For me, it’s failed purpose.

[00:25:41] If I’ve failed to educate somebody on what is true health, underlying health, you know, people come to us for weight loss, but it’s really health restoration. That is really the mission to educate people so that they take that away and they learn how to control, you know, whatever their, their body issues are.

[00:25:59] I’ll continue in a [00:26:00] minute after this message. Weight loss. It’s challenging enough to lose inches and seems like so much work to get the body you want, but why does it have to take so long to see results? Well, now it doesn’t have to. Introducing the Lipo Laser Instant Fat Loss System at Ideal Health and Wellness Center.

[00:26:15] Now you can work toward those long-term weight loss goals, lose weight, and keep it off with visible results from your very first session. The FDA-approved Lipo laser instant fat loss system uses high-powered L e D light to literally melt away unwanted fat safely and effectively. In just a few sessions, you can really see and feel the difference in your waistline or many of those other trouble areas too.

[00:26:38] Lipo laser fat loss from ideal health and wellness is the way to get the visible results you deserve. Faster while pursuing your long-term permanent weight loss goals. And that means everything to getting the results you deserve. Call today for a free screening to see if you are a candidate for Lipo Laser and find out just how fast you can see the results you want.

[00:26:57] Call 6 1 5 5 6 7 6 [00:27:00] 6 8 3 now. I really appreciate you being on the show today. And uh, what I wanted to ask you too is how can people get in touch with you? You know, where can they find you on something like Rumble? You mentioned, do you have a Facebook or Instagram page and things like that? Um, it’s Rumble, j e n n x

[00:27:20] So Jen with two ends, rumble dot GenX Mm-hmm. We’ll be able to post these links and everything mm-hmm. On the, uh, the Sporting Posture episode page. I really appreciate you being on the show. I really got a lot out of this today, and I know that the listeners have too. This is awesome. These are things that we need to have dialogue about, and ultimately, health is your choice.

[00:27:42] Just like I tell my patients, health does come from the inside out, doesn’t come from the outside in. And you have to really make it right on the inside for you to have true health, and your body needs to be in alignment so that all your systems can work in sync like they’re supposed to. And it’s really important.

[00:27:59] That’s why as [00:28:00] a chiropractor, I, I want less interference in the body. So your nerves and your organs and your functions are all integrated properly and you’re living your best life and in your ideal health. So great episode again today. I, I love talking to Jennifer and, and taking her input on, on how she’s approached health over the last 20 years.

[00:28:20] I really want to do more into this investigative wellness and just really pick apart what true health is this year in 2021. Remember, the coach’s door is always open. DM me on Instagram at sporting good posture. Contact me on Facebook at Ideal Health and Wellness Center, or call the office at (615) 567-6683.

[00:28:42] Tell me what’s going on and I’ll tell you what I think. This is Coach Margie. I’m sporting good posture. How about you? The Sporting Good Posture Podcast is a broadcast wellness production powered by Ideal Health Wellness Center, all content copyright 2020, all rights reserved. Executive [00:29:00] producer Frank Ardella.

[00:29:01] Dr. Marcella appears courtesy of Ideal Health Wellness Center in Franklin. For more information, visit sporting good and follow Coach on Instagram at Sporting Good Posture.